Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Lady on the Wall

In Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" Gergor Samsa has a picture of a woman in a hat he cut out from a magazine on the wall. When his mother and sister try to take the picture down from the wall he doesn't let them. Why do you think this picture is so important to him?

Please post your answers by Sunday, May 30th by 12:00PM.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think Gergor Samsa loves the girl and the girl is a famous movie star.He admires the girl so he don't want taking the picture down.

  3. In my opinıon ; The picture demonstrates that Gregor, a young man, desires a woman with whom he can form a permanent relationship. He admire a woman. Follawing this, he wants to get marry to woman. However his mother and sister don’t want to her because she is from magazine on the wall. Thus , his family's dependence on him for financial support has to remain the focus of his life, and his future as far as a love life is concerned is bleak indeed

  4. We know that everyone behave badly to Gergor Samsa. Perhaps they may meet and the girl may behave nicely to him. Therefore, he may like her and he wants to look her everytime. So when his sister and his mother want to take the picture down from the wall, he doesn't let them.

  5. ı thınk that women is most famous model of that country and gregor loves him.He never meet that women thus he is looking just pıcture of women and he don't want to be lifted up from the wall.

  6. I think, gergır loeves this girl. This girl is a celebrate person . This story is about a girl and a picture. I did not like this story

  7. I think, this woman is Gergors imaginary darling. He loves her, because when he lves her, he doesnt have to anything for her so he doesn't feel useless himself. I want to say "I agree with Çiğdem" but her opinion isn't here. ;)

  8. In my opinion, the woman can be a model, actress, singer or anyone and Gergor loves her. Therefore he wanted to see her and doesn't let them when his mother and sister try to take the picture down from the wall. He doesn't approach any more so he doen't let. In addition my opinion is here =)
