2. Look at the pictures below and answer the questions related to the reading.

Blue ice in Antarctica

Tourists watching penguins in Antarctica

Some people believe that ecotourism is a great way for people to increase their awareness of the world and become more careful when protecting the environment. Others say that ecotourism just creates more problems than it does benefits because of damage done to the environment in Antarctica and to the plant and animal life of this remote place. Also, scientific experiments have been known to be ruined by tourists and oil spills devastate the ecosystem.
What is your opinion? Give three examples from the texts to support your answer.
One of the greatest places of world is Antarctica. Studies are done in many scientific fields such as meteorology, psychology, astronomy, biology and geology. Besides, Antarctica is protected from tourists, because they may damage sea, plants and animals. In addition, they may obstruct projects of scientists. Because Antarctica has not government, nobody is responsible to save there. Scientists try to protect from tourists for now.
ReplyDeleteI think Ecotourism is bad because tourists are very dangerous for antartica and places which are important for ecosystem.Scientific experiments are more important than tourists' pleasure.If we don't protect Antartica from tourists,there may be serious consequences for us all.We might lose the results of scientific research projects.It's possible that these results could teach us something important about the causes and effects of climate change.
ReplyDeleteI think texts which express to Antarctica have true information. Because of tourists, Antarctica is damaged. It should not lose because scientists, biologists and geologists have to research about it. Besides, Antarctica hasn't government so it isn't preserved. It has to have a protector.
ReplyDeletesome researchers want to research to Antartica. However, green peace members don't allow them.İ think this members right. Because, if they allow them, researchers may damage to environment. This is a very bad event for environment. we should protect our environment.
ReplyDeleteI think,Ecotourism is harmful for some natural things.So, tourists should not go to Antartica.Because tourists can be dangerous ecosystem.So, if tourist protect Antartica, not do bad thinhs,they go in there.In my opinion, everybody should go to Antartica.Because they should see Antartica.However, they should not damage.
ReplyDeleteI think Ecotourism is bad for Antartica and everybody must leave Antartica alone. Because people damage there. Antartica has about 70% fresh water, however because of the ecotourism it corrupts step by step, it must protected.. Also I agree with Çiğdem :)
ReplyDeleteecoturısm can be dangerous for environment because while they are in ANTARTİCA,they may damage there thus ı thınk we dont go to visit antartica or we must be more carefull when we are there exactly like this antartica is proteted.
ReplyDeleteEcotourism is kind of research during your travel. It include trip to new place where you haven't been before. And surely you can see new things or events in there and good for many people. They want to learn about somethings during their vocation so ecotourism is very useful for the people ..
ReplyDeleteThank you Ayşe =)
ReplyDeleteOvv not at all Çiğdem, also estağfirullah :))